
125. Mont Sainte-Victoire

Mont Sainte-Victorie
Paul Cézanne. 1902-1904 C.E. France. Oil on canvas

Displays less precise brushstrokes allowing the shape of the mountain to emerge from the canvas like an apparition. It's the painter's intention to show nature as it is, without omitting to convey an emotion.

Form: Looks unfinished as bits of the canvas peaks through.

Function: depict a mountain in France (Sainte-Victoire)

Content: formed with "hash marks" very unique and directly attacking traditional landscapes.

Context: Oil on Canvas. classified as a "Post impressionist" Inspiration for cubism. Unlike impressionism, this piece focuses more on the geometric shape of the mountain rather than the refraction of light and its effects on colors.

Week 2- Mind Map

Through Chaos Comes the Light  My mind map comes at a time in my life