
9. Ambum Stone


The Ambum Stone, Ambum Valley, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. c 1500 B.C.E
Artist - Unknown
Medium - Greywacke Stone
Current Location - National Gallery of Australia

Form: greywacke, 8 inches tall, 

Function: unknown. But small and easy to pass around. Perhaps some religious purpose. perhaps a pestle. But small and easy to carry around. 

Content: possibly a sculpture of an echidna. very prominent eyes and nose. 

Context: Neolithic. Settled communities. more time for sculpture.
Greywacke: REALLY hard to carve, REALLY long lasting and durable - so very valuable and important to whoever made it

Cross-Cultural Comparisons 

Detail from the Lakshamana Temple 

Tuffery, Pisupo Lau Afe 

Buk Mask 

Week 2- Mind Map

Through Chaos Comes the Light  My mind map comes at a time in my life