
4. Running horned woman


Running Horned Woman, Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria (6000-4000 B.C.E) Pigment on rock.


  • pictograph = painting on a rock
  • minerals + liquid = pigmented "paint"
  • the "paint" was likely applied with feathers, weeds, and fingers
  • involves the illusion of movement (the running aspect of the woman)
  • profile perspective
    • but horns face outwards
  • a piece used to emphasize the importance of survival
  • a recognition of the relationship between animals and humans (and its significance)
  • created as part of a religious/spiritual worship?
  • used to display the role of the woman
  • thousands of other paintings and drawings from this period were found in the same area as the Running Horned Woman
  • found in a very difficult to reach area (high elevation and unique topology)  -> holy sanctuary?
  • the Running Horned Woman is the most elaborate figure -> most important? goddess?
  • symbolic image -> it's unlikely that hunters and gathers of the time would have looked the way that Running Horned Woman does
  • white dots = body paint?
  • arms and shin guards -> decoration? protection?

Cross-Cultural Comparison

Aka Elelphant Mask  


Malagan Mask