
224. The Gates


The Gates
New York City, U.S. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. 1979-2005 C.E. Mixed-media installation

The Gates remains a complex testament to two controversial topics in contemporary art: how to create meaningful public art and how art responds to and impacts our relationship with the built environment.


Testament to 2 controversial topics in contemporary art: How to create meaningful public art; how art responds to/impacts our relationship w/ the built environment


Each gate, a rectilinear 3-sided rigid vinyl frame on 2 steel footings, supported saffron-colored fabric panels that hung loosely from the top. Gates the same color as fabric; followed paths in park (align w/ pre-existing pathways of movement); in place for 2 weeks in NYC Central Park


Reinforce pre-existing routes w/in manmade environment; Gates (threshold) - no preferable angle - made for the pedestrian in motion (alters experience)


7503 gates that ran over 23 miles of walkways; each gate was 16 ft hight and width varied according to paths' widths


Since 1960's these artists have introduced eye-catching color into the landscape - saffron meant to create "a golden ceiling creating warm shadows"; nearly 30 years of planning before The Gates went up - free to public - temporary (feeling of urgency to be seen - valued)

Week 2- Mind Map

Through Chaos Comes the Light  My mind map comes at a time in my life