
244. The Swing (After Fragonard)


The Swing (after Fragonard) 
Yinka Shonibare. Sheffield. 2001 C.E. Mixed-media installation

Meant to be seen straight on but due to 3 dimensions viewers can walk around the installation and view from different points, like the original subjects in the painting. The work depicts a summary of the scene in the original painting but leaves out some elements of the painting.


mixed-media installation


cause viewers to question excess, class and morality; to draw attention to some of the darker moments on Western history


expression of how the accumulation of wealth and power that is personified in the leisure class is no doubt a product of exploiting people; fabric used has symbolism of cultural appropriation, imperialism, and power; no head 0 a reference to use of guillotine during the reign of terror in 1870s when members of the French aristocracy were publicly beheaded


Shonibare grew up in Nigeria and moved to England - had a look at both sides of the appropriative context of colonialism

Week 2- Mind Map

Through Chaos Comes the Light  My mind map comes at a time in my life