
239. The Crossing


The Crossing 
Bill Viola. 1996 C.E. US. Video/sound installation 

To evoke the viewer's senses and create a feeling of spirituality. His work focuses and sensory perception and tries to take viewers on a trip to the spiritual realm. The videos are able to accomplish this through slow motion, contrasts in scale, shifts in focus, mirrored reflections, etc.


video/sound installation; double sided


force viewers to reevaluate their perceptions of time, transcendence, and rebirth


on one side of the piece a man walk forward in slow motion to eventually be drenched in a trickle of water that becomes a torrent until he disappears; on the other side the man walks forward in slow motion again, only now to be engulfed in flames until he disappears; same audio for both sides


Viola was influenced by various religions; he often explored transitional states in his work

Week 2- Mind Map

Through Chaos Comes the Light  My mind map comes at a time in my life